(717) 885-1160
The grant program provides funding to students, teachers, and administrators of the York Suburban community in furtherance of the YSEF’s mission. Classroom Grants should support student learning and attempt to bridge educational inequalities. All Classroom Grant requests must be outside normal district budget or planning considerations. Please note that any equipment purchased through YSEF grants becomes the property of the York Suburban School District.
Deadline for grant submissions is February 1.
Funding requests in this cycle are to be used for summer programs, the fall semester, or the upcoming full academic year. Classroom Grant recipients will be notified before the end of the current school year.
Available to teachers and administrators.
Grant maximum approximately $1,000.
Available to teachers, students and administrators.
**Please reference the YSEF Grant Guidelines above when completing a YSEF grant application.
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The York Suburban Education Foundation (YSEF) is pleased to announce it has awarded 10 grants totaling $27,973.23 through its 2022 Grant program.
3D Printer
Korbin Shearer (York Suburban High School)
With the funds from this grant, YSHS will purchase an additional FDM 3D printer to aid in the assistance of printing 3D projects for the CADD classes.
Amount Awarded: $4,195.00
Architectural Virtual Reality
Korbin Shearer (York Suburban High School)
This grant will provide a Virtual Reality headset and computer to be used with the architectural drawing program to incorporate Virtual Reality (VR) into the YSHS classroom. The use of this equipment will help the students in the architectural drawing classes get a more realistic sense of how the project design will feel in a physical space.
Amount Awarded: $4,147.85
Building Service Dog
Dwight Hare (East York Elementary School)
With the funds from this grant, East York Elementary will receive a service (or facility) dog for their Elementary School Building. As a note, the grant will fund not only the initial purchase of the dog, but also the start-up costs and the first five years of food, veterinary bills, and grooming bills.
Amount Awarded: $5,500.00
Grant for Graphic Novel Versions of To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
Heidi Cebula (York Suburban High School)
This grant will fund two class sets of the graphic novel version of To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee for YSHS students.
Amount Awarded: $1,074.50
Laser Engraver
Korbin Shearer and Erica Furjanic (York Suburban High School)
This grant will purchase an additional laser engraver for the Applied Engineering/Technology and Photography and Digital Design classes at YSHS. The use of this machine will help deepen the collaboration of projects and instruction between the art and applied engineering departments.
Amount Awarded: $5,063.00
Life Skills Learning Lab
Ashlee Adams (York Suburban Middle School)
With the funds from this grant, YSMS Intensive Learning Support students, Autistic Support students, and students with a need that can be met through the use of a shared learning lab will have access to simulated real-life opportunities. These materials will help the students apply functional, daily living, organization, fine motor, communication, academic, and problem-solving skills that the students would encounter outside the classroom in their daily lives.
Amount Awarded: $1,000.00
On the Big Screen
Amy Kendrick (York Suburban High School)
With the funds from this grant, YSHS will purchase a large motorized screen and projector in the YSHS Library Media Center. The screen, projector, and speakers will be used to help teachers instruct medium to large groups of students in a safe and open room with additional research resources.
Amount Awarded: $2,729.00
Resin 3D Printing
Korbin Shearer (York Suburban High School)
This grant will fund the purchase of two large build-volume resin 3D printers and a wash and cure machine. The wash and cure machine is required to be used after printing to ensure the sustainability of the 3D printer.
Amount Awarded: $1,149.97
Teambuilding, Collaborating, and Thinking Outside the Box While Escaping from the Jungle
Kevin Willson (York Suburban High School)
This grant will fund the Jungle Escape deluxe kit with the additional helicopter kit and five participant books to provide enough materials for a class to participate in the 'Escaping the Jungle' simulation.
Amount Awarded: $1,153.89
Visual Timers to Enhance Executive Functioning Skills
Kellie Jean and Cathi Hicks (Yorkshire Elementary School and Valley View Elementary School)
The funds from this grant will purchase 90 color-coded timers (45 timers per building) for use in each grade level as well as specialists, paraprofessionals, and other staff at Yorkshire Elementary and Valley View Elementary. These timers will help students understand the abstract concept of time while learning to appropriately manage their time and develop their internal clock.
Amount Awarded: $1,960.02
The York Suburban Education Foundation (YSEF) is pleased to announce it has awarded 12 grants totaling $39,993.58 through its 2021 Grant program.
Live Demo Video Setup
Korbin Shearer (York Suburban High School)
With the funds from this grant, students will be better able to view live demonstrations in the York Suburban High School’s Applied Engineering and Technology Department using an AV cart, TV display, and action camera.
Amount awarded: $648.00
YSMS Virtual Learning Carts
Michael Snedden and Michael Jackson (York Suburban Middle School)
The funds from this grant will equip York Suburban Middle School with two virtual learning carts to enhance the online virtual learning experiences of students. The equipment will enhance the sound and video quality of asynchronous and synchronous lessons and allow the teacher to move around more naturally during the instruction.
Amount awarded: $10,310.90
Kathleen Green, Jared Moore, and Nancy Karkoska (York Suburban Middle School)
This grant will fund the design and build of a hydroponics garden growing a crop of the students’ choice at the York Suburban Middle School. The hydroponics garden will be a multi-disciplinary, hands on approach to learn about design, construction, and seventh grade science lessons, such as plant processes, heredity and genetics, and ecosystems.
Amount awarded: $3,000.00
GrowUp Greenwall
Jared Moore and Linda Slenker (York Suburban Middle School)
The funds from this grant will be used to purchase a greenwall for the York Suburban Middle School. Plants are provided by the YSMS Greenspace program. Once the greenwall is installed by the students in the Applied Engineering and Technology program, the students will partner with science teachers to learn more about plants and how to best sustain this greenwall project. Amount awarded: $1,399.00
STEM Outdoor Garden and Classroom
Kathleen Green, Jared Moore, Nancy Karkoska, and Tac Thomas (York Suburban Middle School)
This grant will facilitate the transition of the York Suburban Middle School courtyard into a STEM outdoor garden and classroom with the implementation of retractable shade pergolas to produce shade in designated areas for plant growth and reduce the sun’s glare on the students’ monitors to better enable learning.
Amount awarded: $3,500.00
Mind and Body Wellness
Kellie Aughenbaugh (Valley View Elementary and Yorkshire Elementary Schools)
With the funds from this grant, second grade students at Valley View and Yorkshire Elementary Schools will be able to engage their minds and bodies as well as encourage and enhance socialization opportunities through the use of hands-on learning and exercise activities. This grant is partially funded by YSEF’s Richard Guyer Endowment Fund held at the York County Community Foundation.
Amount awarded: $4,291.68
Play to Learn
Kim Kimpel and Marilyn Henning (Yorkshire Elementary and Valley View Elementary Schools)
Through team planning, group activities, and guided play, the 2nd grade team of teachers will provide 2nd graders at Yorkshire and Valley View Elementary Schools with opportunities to engage in various subjects through the combined use of books and corresponding materials. For example, students will learn more about architectural structures through a station with books about architecture, engineering, and building accompanied by paper, pencils, rulers, and blocks. Or, students can learn about art and its different mediums through books along with clay, drawing paper/pencils, and paints. Or, students can discover science through scientific notebooks and nonfiction magazines while also playing with microscopes, magnifying glasses, funnels, kitchen scales, and eye droppers.
Amount awarded: $2,130.00
Hope Squad
Miranda King (York Suburban Middle School and York Suburban High School)
The funding from this grant will be utilized for Hope Week at the York Suburban Middle School and the York Suburban High School and provide students with materials to spread awareness of the Hope Squad and its mission. The Hope Squad is a peer-nominated, student-led initiative to help students who are struggling with mental health issues. Faculty advisors as well as students on the Hope Squad are all trained and attend retreats to continue learning strategies to help fellow students dealing with mental health issues. This grant is partially funded by YSEF’s Jeffrey D. Sindicich Endowment Fund held at the York County Community Foundation. The fund is in memory of Jeffrey Sindicich, 1986 York Suburban graduate.
Amount awarded: $2,500.00
PBIS in Elementary Schools
Tawn Ketterman (Valley View, Yorkshire, Indian Rock, and East York Elementary Schools)
This grant will provide funds equally to each of the four elementary schools to promote positive behavior in each elementary school by implementing a tiered intervention process to identify and address students’ needs that affect behaviors.
Amount awarded: $4,000.00
Utilizing Technology to Advance Student Evaluations:
Sydney Tucker (District-Wide)
This grant’s funds will provide the School Psychologist and the School Psychology Intern with four iPads to be used for psychoeducational evaluations. Purchasing the iPads will allow the evaluators access to digital versions of the cognitive, academic, and neuropsychological assessments. The digital versions of the assessments will provide a more efficient and expedited assessment process for the evaluators thereby allowing more students to be tested in a more timely and less obtrusive manner.
Amount awarded: $1,346.00
Hands on Brains
Christopher Rumbaugh (York Suburban High School)
This grant focuses on enhancing a student’s understanding of the brain anatomy and functionality by allowing students to disassemble, manipulate, and reassemble a 3-D model of a human skull, brain, eye, and ear. These models will be utilized in the York Suburban High School’s Psychology and Advanced Placement Psychology courses.
Amount awarded: $2,868.00
EYES on the Future
Julie Stover (East York and Indian Rock Elementary Schools)
The funds from this grant will support a new club, EYES on the Future, at East York and Indian Rock Elementary Schools. This club will expose students to diverse people, places, and careers allowing them to see opportunities to which they might aspire.
Amount awarded: $4,000.00
The York Suburban Education Foundation (YSEF) is pleased to announce it has awarded 14 grants totaling $41,400.00 through its 2020 Grant program.
Bringing YSMS Student Engagement “Around the World”
Brandi Adamy and Kiersten Handy (York Suburban Middle School)
This grant was awarded to Brandi Adamy and Kiersten Handy. The purpose of this grant is to enrich the eighth grade World Language and Culture classes, with a focus but not limited to students needing sensory remediation. The use of various sensory tools such as floor cushions, bean bag chairs, balance boards, yoga balls and hand held fidget toys allow the learners’ minds and bodies to be stimulated, increasing student participation and collaborative communication required for second language learning. These tools will also assist in decreasing student anxiety and disruption. $561.96.
Life Skills
Sarah Coppersmith (Valley View Elementary School)
This grant was awarded to Sarah Coppersmith for students in Kindergarten through Second Grade at Valley View. The goal is for young students to spend time learning basic life skills such as simple meal preparation, washing dishes, cleaning a room, writing a letter, folding laundry, tying shoes, etc. As the application stated, 58% of 3- to 5-year-olds in the United States can navigate a smartphone, but only 15% can make their own breakfast. Life skills will put students on a path toward independence. The items purchased will be reusable. $2,000.00.
We Need More Diverse Books
Laura Gordon (Yorkshire Elementary Schools)
This grant was awarded to Laura Gordon at Yorkshire. The grant will allow the purchase of books aimed at English Language Learners. Yorkshire Elementary has 38 students enrolled in the English Language Learner program from 14 countries speaking 11 different languages. Diverse books will encourage cultural awareness and sensitivity as well as provide a connection for students to their native language. $1,581.01.
Exploring Engineering Through Robotics
Katelyn Hall (Indian Rock and East York Elementary School)
This grant was awarded to Katelyn Hall to benefit students at both Indian Rock and East York. The grant money will be used to purchase LEGO® Mindstorms, a programmable robotics construction set that gives students the power to design, build, and code LEGO® robots. Additional robotic kits at both elementary schools will allow for greater student participation. This grant is partially funded by YSEF’s Jeffrey D. Sindicich Endowment Fund held at the York County Community Foundation. The fund is in memory of Jeffrey Sindicich, 1986 York Suburban graduate. $1,865.18.
Learning Support Coffee Shop
Amber Krzanowski (York Suburban High School)
This grant was awarded to Amber Krzanowski for high school learning support students to run a coffee shop at the high school. The grant request was much more than just having a coffee shop. The goal is to have a self-sustaining business plan with a mobile cart from which to run the business. Teaching students business skills is the goal. $900.00.
Using Technology to Engage in Authentic Assessment
Laura McClure, Danielle Robson, Nicole Shaak, Dwight Hare, Melissa Miller and Katie Stahlnecker (East York Elementary School)
This grant was awarded to Laura McClure, Danielle Robson, Nicole Shaak, Dwight Hare, Melissa Miller and Katie Stahlnecker at East York to purchase Planar Helium Widescreen Multi-Touch Monitors. Through the use of the multi-touch monitors, students will be able to work with classmates to explore virtual learning experiences. Specifically, students will be able to engage in manipulation of math concepts, produce digital media to be shared with the community, and participate in immersive research experiences. $6,293.84.
Morning Choice
Lexy Morrow (Valley View Elementary Schools)
This grant was awarded to Lexy Morrow at Valley View. The idea is for the Second Graders’ school day to begin with a soft start of approximately 20 minutes of playing group games of their choice. The grant money will be used to purchase a variety of age appropriate activities such as board games, LEGOS®, and art supplies. The success of this approach to start the school day will be tracked over a three-year period of time based on test score results. $1,140.01.
One Book, One School, Building Community
Julie Stover (East York Elementary School)
This grant was awarded to Julie Stover at East York. With this grant, all students at East York Elementary will be given the same book for both the student and their families to read. There will be various events centered around the book and even a website to share comments about the book. YSEF funded this project in the past with much success. $3,500.00.
Transforming Kinders
Chevonne Tyson (Valley View Elementary School)
This grant was awarded to Chevonne Tyson at Valley View. Using the grant money, Kindergarten teachers
will transform classrooms at Valley View into a variety of simulations throughout the year. These include 100th Day Spy Lab, Alice in Mathland, Sugar Rush, Vowel Surgery, Jurassic Park, and Starbooks. The items from these simulations will be reusable in years to come. $1,758.00.
Mimic Personal Finance
Kevin Willson (York Suburban High School)
This grant was awarded to Kevin Willson at York Suburban High School. The funds will allow for the purchase of a site license for Mimic Personal Finance, a program that teaches budgeting, money management, banking and personal finance. An entire semester course can be developed around the use of this program. $2,500.00.
York Suburban Esports League
Gage Donagher and Casey Reider (York Suburban High School)
This grant was awarded to Gage Donagher, a high school student, with Casey Reider as the faculty sponsor. York Suburban High School has an Esports League that is STEM approved. The League promotes social interaction through video games that encourage problem solving and creativity. Students participate in tournaments with other schools. $2,300.00.
York Suburban Middle School Facility Dog
Dr. Michael Snedden (York Suburban Middle School)
This grant was awarded to Dr. Michael Snedden at York Suburban Middle School. This grant will cover the cost of a facility dog, and its training, at YSMS. The goal of a facility dog is to reduce the stress and anxiety of students and staff during the school day, thereby creating a healthy, positive, and safe school environment. Students and teachers will interact with the facility dog, both in group and individual situations, with the supervision of the certified primary or secondary handler. $3,500.00.
Books as Windows and Mirrors: Building a More Diverse and Inclusive Bookshelf
Dr. Kimberly Stoltz and Dr. Todd Monos (Yorkshire and Valley View Elementary School)
This grant was awarded to Dr. Kimberly Stoltz at Yorkshire Elementary School and Dr. Todd Monos at Valley View Elementary School. With the money from this grant, Kindergarten to Second Grade classrooms at Valley View and Yorkshire Elementary will receive a set of diverse books (in terms of characters, authors and/or illustrators) to be utilized for read-aloud time. The books will facilitate a discussion of community where all children are able to see themselves in the pages of books (mirrors) while embracing the beauty and value of others (windows). $3,500.00.
Developing a Modern Media and Communications Program
Dr. Brian Ellis (York Suburban High School)
The goal of this grant is to seed the development of a more dynamic and engaging digital media center to support teachers and
students in the creation of digital projects as they complete their school work while also providing the means to teach students
modern news and media communication that incorporates social media, video, and ongoing dynamic change. This grant is funded by
a generous donation from a YS Alum, Class of 1965. $10,000.00.
The York Suburban Education Foundation (YSEF) is pleased to announce it has awarded 15 grants totaling $57,853.46 through its 2019 Grant program.
Digitized Art with Apple Pencil
Karen Fornadel, Erica Furjanic and Jackie Geiple (York Suburban High School)
This grant will more fully infuse digital technology into advanced art classes giving students the opportunity to expand and explore those techniques in addition to more traditional methods. $2,447.94.
One School, One Book
Denise Fuhrman (East York Elementary School)
This grant will sustain this initiative which strives to strengthen a school’s cultural literacy by involving families as partners. $2,800.00.
We Need Diverse Books
Laura Gordon (Yorkshire Elementary School)
This grant will provide multicultural literature for students in the ELL classroom and throughout the school providing cultural awareness and sensitivity. $1,810.02
The Transformed Classroom
Cheryl Johnson and Lexy Morrow (Valley View and Yorkshire Elementary Schools)
Using props and supplies, the classroom is transformed to create authentic experiences throughout the day. For example, creating a spy lab to teach close reading and fact-finding. $3,100.00.
Achieving and Learning Through Kinesthetic Math
Laura McClure (East York Elementary School)
Using giant sized mats and games, math skills are paired with physical activity that increases brain functions, specifically the growth and development of the synapses responsible for retaining and retrieving skills and information. $3,618.00.
Trojan 1000
Todd Monos (Valley View Elementary School)
The goal of this grant is to provide all children in the VV attendance area with a bag of ten books when they turn three, thus promoting the importance of exposure to literature and reading before entering kindergarten. This grant is partially funded by YSEF’s Jeffrey D. Sindicich Endowment Fund held at the York County Community Foundation. The fund is in memory of Jeffrey Sindicich, York Suburban graduate class of 1986. $2,250.00.
Kindergarten Forest School
Kim Stoltz and Todd Monos (Valley View and Yorkshire Elementary Schools)
This grant will provide a multi-day outdoor school experience for all kindergarten students that would include nature study, team building, problem-solving, earth connection, etc. This outdoor classroom will take place at one or more of the county parks. $3,000.00.
Flexible Seating
Danielle Robson (East York Elementary School)
This grant will give the students seating options other than the traditional desk and chair. This creates an inclusive environment where the unique needs of each student are being met while building a collaborative and supportive environment. $2,823.00.
Adjustable Height Desks with Swinging Footrest
Joelle Stark (York Suburban High School)
This grant will provide four seating options for high school students keeping the brain more active through standing and movement. Secondary students have needs not totally dissimilar to younger students. $800.00.
Elementary Expeditions
Kelly Duke (Yorkshire Elementary School)
This grant would provide a virtual reality system that would be a platform a system similar to Google Expeditions. Students can take “field trips” into outer space, swim with sharks, and hike Mt. Everest etc. This will enhance STEAM activities and promote hands-on learning. $7,950.00.
Digitized Science Notebooks on iPad with Apple Pencils
Leigh Foy and Amy Kendrick (York Suburban High School)
This grant will enable science students to integrate their scientific drawings with electronic data analysis, photographic annotation, and scientific writing. This will create a more accessible and collaborative product in a true leaner-centered experience. $10,375.00.
Wonderful Stem Explorations
Grade 2 Team/Lona Kluttz (Yorkshire Elementary School)
This grant seeks to enhance the curriculum and make cross-curricular instruction seamless while promoting innovative teaching and hands-on learning through integrated literature and science/social studies using authentic literature and non-fiction trade books. $2,245.00.
Rotary Indexer
Jared Moore (York Suburban Middle School)
This grant will take machining and automation processing to the next level providing students with a more authentic STEM design/build experience. It will allow students to view coding in a different manner allowing them to grasp abstract coding and modeling. $2,950.00.
High School Robotics
Steve Temple (York Suburban High School)
This grant will give students the opportunity to explore building, constructing, and programming. Robotics is a popular medium for teaching programming concepts and constructs. The kits and supplemental materials will allow current programming students to experiment with robotics and gauge interest in future offerings. $1,505.00.
Encouraging Students to Code
The goal of this grant is to help diversify computer programming offerings to address the varied interests of YS students. By developing multiple platform entry points, more students are encouraged to study coding, develop more streams of students for formal computer science study, and provide more opportunities to pursue independent projects in coding-related fields. This grant provided for the licensing and materials to offer two new programming courses: Video Game Design and Robotics. This grant is funded by a generous donation from a YS alum, class of 1965. $9,650.00.
The York Suburban Education Foundation (YSEF) is pleased to announce it has awarded 8 grants totaling $52,883.40 through its 2018 Grant program.
Gardens in the Classroom
Dr. Brian Ellis, Leslie Gentzyel and Joan Hammond (York Suburban High School and Valley View Elementary School)
A grant of $1,370.00 will support the development of a permanent garden on the high school campus, including a temporary greenhouse facility. Through collaboration among YSHS and Valley View Elementary staff, it is designed to help students of all grade levels develop an appreciation for the life cycle of plants as well as the use of sustainable growing practices within food meal planning and preparation. The students will also have the opportunity to study hydroponics, a relatively new technology in plant growth. This grant was made possible by YSEF’s Jeffrey D. Sindicich Endowment Fund held at the York County Community Foundation. The fund is in memory of Jeffrey Sindicich, York Suburban graduate class of 1986.
Escaping Language Limits
Laura Gordon (Valley View, Yorkshire, East York and Indian Rock Elementary Schools)
In 2016, YSEF supported this pilot program which aims to build connections through Imagine Learning, an award-winning software program that features interactive content for the increasing population of English Language Learners (ELL). This program provides first-language support in 15 languages, while gradually translating reading for the students to begin acquiring essential English language skills. In 2017, YSEF supported a grant to fund three face-to-face activity meetings throughout the summer with students and their families to keep the program active and celebrate student progress with families through fun incentives. Upon seeing the positive impact of the summer meetings for ELL students at Yorkshire, this $1,400.00 grant will allow this program to expand to Valley View Elementary and will also support families of 2nd grade ELL students as they transition to East York and Indian Rock Elementary Schools.
Electricity is More Than Just Electrons
Leigh Foy and Chris Kurowski (York Suburban High School)
As the high school strives to align the YSHS chemistry curriculum to the new gold standard of Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), the chemistry department is building opportunities for classroom activities to reflect the interconnected nature of science and to explore how chemistry concepts can be applied outside of the classroom. This $4,032.64 grant will allow for the purchase of updated hydrogen fuel cell model kits which assist students in learning the chemical principals of creating energy, including sustainable sources of electricity. The grant will also provide a class set of wind turbine models for students to use in conjunction with the hydrogen fuel cells from the solar panel model cars. Having these resources will help create a powerful opportunity to teach chemistry students about renewable resources and the significance of saving electricity to conserve natural resources.
YSMS Learning Commons-A STEAM Engine
Dr. Scott Krauser, Rosemary Nestler, Dana Poster and Matt Moran (York Suburban Middle School)
Last year, YSEF awarded $40,000 to support the district-wide Learning Commons strategic initiative to incorporate STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics) concepts into the York Suburban curriculum at all learning levels. STEAM promotes inquiry and project-based learning, collaborative learning, critical thinking skills, innovation, and creativity. From incorporating coding, engineering, and design into kindergarten lessons to enhancing STEAM labs in the high school to transforming the middle and high school libraries into flexible learning spaces that allow for collaboration and exploration, last year’s collective York Suburban Learning Commons grant reinforces the district’s dedication to maintain academic rigor, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. To support the continued evolution of the STEAM initiative, YSEF will provide an additional $27,000 for the purchase virtual reality headsets and equipment to promote virtual aspects of learning with efficient technologies for creation and sharing. These new upgrades and resources will promote greater global and cultural understanding as students work together to investigate and solve complex problems with an emphasis on active and collaborative engagement. A safe storage system for the equipment is also included in this grant. This grant is supported with corporate funds donated to YSEF through the PA State Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) program. Additionally, a generous individual donation of $10,000 will enable the Middle School to continue innovative and self-sustaining practices to support the Outdoor Classroom and Conservation Efforts. All YSMS students will be involved in some form of planning, designing, engineering, building, harvesting or marketing related to the Outdoor Classroom. A student led recycling program will also be instituted that will collect and recycle used 3D printer filament from Suburban and surrounding school districts.
Flexible Classrooms
Kristie Kopp and Lorra Cummings (York Suburban Middle School)
As the number of students requiring outside the box innovations and support increases, Mrs. Kopp and Mrs. Cummings continuously explore how flexible classrooms can impact the diverse learning needs of students. Over the last two years, they have been on a mission to transform their classrooms into spaces where students feel welcome and allow students to explore different options so that they may choose their best learning environment. Growing on the grant they were awarded last year for standing desks, this $6,453.76 grant for additional flexible seating includes desks that can easily be configured into groups of two, three, four or six. Adding rolling chairs will further enhance their ability to make flexible grouping and impromptu learning opportunities possible anywhere in the room. By providing more flexible seating options, students will have the freedom and movement necessary to reinvigorate the classrooms and create more room for collaboration, creativity and problem-solving.
It’s EL-ementary! Bilingual Books!
Laura Gordon (Valley View, Yorkshire, East York and Indian Rock Elementary Schools)
York Suburban’s primary buildings provide English books for all levels of readers to take home and read each night. However, many bilingual students take English-only books home to read with parents who may not be fluent in English. Attempting to read and discuss English-only books can pose challenges for bilingual families. This $2,200.00 grant will pay for English and Spanish versions of the same books so children with Spanish speaking parents may have reading experiences together promoting parental participation in school subjects while increasing fluency in English. Providing books in students’ primary languages will boost student motivation and language development in each language.
Supporting Student Mentors
Dr. Denise Fuhrman (East York Elementary)
To fulfill a need for volunteers and mentors to work with students to build their reading and math fact fluency, East York is partnering with members of the Eastminster Presbyterian Church congregation to support volunteer opportunities in the classroom. This $427 grant will provide funding for the necessary clearances needed for school volunteers. YSEF’s Impact Foundation students will assist the senior volunteers complete the online clearance applications. For the past two years, this congregation has funded East York’s weekend backpack program, providing for 49 East York families and continues to seek additional ways to support YS students.
The York Suburban Education Foundation (YSEF) is pleased to announce it has awarded 11 grants totaling $55,078.54 through its 2017 Grant program.
Greenhouses: To Grow Healthy and Successful Students
Dr. Denise Fuhrman and East York Third Grade (East York Elementary School)
A grant of $1,549.34 will allow the third graders at East York Elementary to participate in experiential learning opportunities in science and mathematics through the purchase of portable greenhouses. As these students are applying their content learning by getting dirty growing their own seedlings, they will also engage their community by marketing and selling the plants they grow at the annual East York May Day. The greenhouses will also be utilized by East York's newly created Envirothon team for fifth graders as they conduct experiments and research. This grant was made possible from endowment proceeds through the Jeffrey D. Sindicich Foundation, a donor endowment fund held by YSEF at the York County Community Foundation. The fund is in memory of Jeffrey Sindicich, York Suburban graduate class of 1986.
Escaping Language Limits
Laura Gordon (East York and Yorkshire Elementary Schools)
In 2016, YSEF supported this pilot program which aims to build connections through Imagine Learning, an award-winning software program that features interactive content for the increasing population of English Language Learners. This program provides first-language support in 15 languages, while gradually translating reading for the students to begin acquiring essential English language skills. To encourage consistent participation when school is not in session, this $750 grant will fund three face-to-face activity meetings throughout the summer with students and their families to keep the program active and celebrate student progress with families through fun incentives.
Mindful Moments and Yoga for Kids
Lorie Meckley (Valley View Elementary)
The goal of these two grants, totaling $2,339.54, is to enhance the district's innovative approach to improving students' social-emotional well-being through lessons in mindfulness inspired by The Mind Up Curriculum. This grant will facilitate the creation of a Mindful Moments Room, a private space with a calming atmosphere where students can go to focus on the present, calm down, relax, and re-center. It will also provide teachers with professional development on the benefits of yoga, yoga-based breathing, and relaxation techniques. Yoga classes for students, led by a professional instructor, will also be part of the learning experience with the goal of working toward independent skill use. Students who learn to effectively use mindfulness strategies have more effective concentration during instruction, are better able to nurture and develop healthy friendships, have improved academic skills, have better time management skills, have lower anxiety and stress levels, and have improved working memory.
Learning Commons District Initiative: From Library Media Center to Learning Commons Amy Kendrick (YSHS); YS STEAM Lab Classroom
Tac Thomas (YSHS); STEAM Integration- Donna Kran, Matt Moran, Karen Campbell, and Jared Moore (YSMS); 2017 Kindergarten STEAM Marilyn Henning (Valley View and Yorkshire Elementary Schools)
YSEF has awarded $40,000 to be distributed among these four grants in support of a district-wide Learning Commons strategic initiative to incorporate STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics) concepts into the York Suburban curriculum at all learning levels. STEAM promotes inquiry and project-based learning, collaborative learning, critical thinking skills, innovation, and creativity. From incorporating coding, engineering, and design into kindergarten lessons to enhancing STEAM labs in the high school to transforming the middle and high school libraries into flexible learning spaces that allow for collaboration and exploration, the collective York Suburban Learning Commons grant reinforces the district's dedication to maintaining academic rigor, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. These grants are supported with corporate funds donated to YSEF through the PA State Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) program.
Trout in the Classroom
Katie Green, Nancy Karkoska and Jamie McFadden (YSMS)
In 2016, YSEF granted funding to Katie Green to launch "Trout in the Classroom" (TIC), an interdisciplinary program provided by the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission, Pennsylvania Department of Education's Environmental and Ecology, and Pennsylvania Trout Unlimited. This successful pilot program, which allowed students to raise brook trout by observing and monitoring a coldwater ecosystem in a classroom aquarium, exceeded student engagement expectations. This $3,000 grant will allow the TIC program to expand into two more science classrooms so that all 7th-grade York Suburban students benefit from this exciting experiential learning.
Job Ready Career Skills Online Program
Jill Feltenberger and Beth Milkowski (YSHS)
This $1,295.00 grant will provide funding for a web-based product that is designed to teach students the fundamental skills that employers have identified as key to success in the workplace. This cross-curricular program will cover topics including work habits, workplace effectiveness, communication skills, business etiquette, and job search. This program will offer the necessary tools for success upon graduation regardless of a student's post-high school plan.
Stand Up For Kids
Kristie Kopp and Lorra Cummings (YSMS)
Growing on the pilots of similar grants awarded for adaptive furniture options in 2015 and 2016, this $6,144.10 grant for alternative classroom furniture in middle school math classes will provide for standing desks benefiting the physical, cognitive, and emotional needs of middle school students. These desks will enable students to focus and boost brain function, which research has shown to promote academic growth. Providing students with desks where they can stand will continue to benefit students through increased levels of engagement while encouraging more discussion, collaboration, and ultimately, higher level thinking.
The York Suburban Education Foundation (YSEF) is pleased to announce it has awarded 9 grants totaling $39,987.08 through its 2016 Grant program.
Moving Minds and Shaping Learners
Chris Forney and Amy Schnetzka (Yorkshire Elementary);
Taking a Stand
Alicia Kowitz (YSMS);
Thinking on Your Feet
Jennifer Kozak and Kayla Ichter (Valley View Elementary);
Think on Your Feet
Chris Rumbaugh, Marge Smith, and Oliver Good (YSHS)
These four grants were awarded a combined total of $10,000. The grants will provide students with adaptive furniture options that will enable them to focus and boost brain function, which research has shown to promote academic growth. In 2015, a similar YSEF grant was awarded, and outcomes proved to serve as an extremely successful pilot program.
Applied College Tuition (ACT)
Dr. Denise Fuhrman and Dr. Brian Ellis (YSHS)
This $2,040 grant was awarded to support the high school Dual Enrollment Program. Funding is provided through corporate funds approved through the PA State Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) program. This grant will enable selected students, who may not have the ability to pay for the college course tuition, to experience college courses while still attending high school. ACT is a YS district strategic initiative to provide experiences that will increase the likelihood of post-secondary success.
Escaping Language Limits
Laura Gordon (Yorkshire Elementary)
This new district initiative received a grant for $7,164 to benefit the increasing population of English language learners enabling them to have access to individualized language instruction. Many students at the primary level are still acquiring reading skills in their native language. This program will provide first-language support in 15 languages, while gradually translating reading for the students to begin acquiring essential English language skills.
Trout in the Classroom
Kathleen Green (YSMS)
A grant of $1,500 was awarded for this interdisciplinary program provided by the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission, Pennsylvania Department of Education's Environmental and Ecology, and Pennsylvania Trout Unlimited. This program will allow seventh-grade students to raise brook trout in the classroom beginning at the egg stage of life, eventually releasing the trout in May into an approved Pennsylvania waterway.
The Brain Gym
Dr. Tawn Ketterman (Valley View Elementary)
This $903 grant will fund the implementation of an action-based learning center. This grant will support a pilot program for kindergarten students whereby teachers will take an entire classroom and rotate students through a series of movement stations. Brain research links movement and physical activity to increased academic performance. This grant was made possible from endowment proceeds through the Jeffrey D. Sindicich Foundation, a named donor endowment fund held by YSEF at the York County Community Foundation. The fund is in memory of Jeffrey Sindicich, York Suburban graduate class of 1986.
Fizz, Boom, Read; Full STEAM Ahead!
Principals Dr. Mary Beth Grove (East York Elementary), Dr. Greg Gulley (Indian Rock Elementary), Dr. Tawn Ketterman (Valley View Elementary), and Dr. Kim Stoltz (Yorkshire Elementary)
This York Suburban School District elementary summer enrichment program will receive $18,380.08, provided through corporate funds approved through the PA State Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) program. This grant aims to reinforce reading, writing, math, and science skills for rising 1st-5th grade students through teacher-led activities. STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, and Math) concepts will be incorporated to guide student inquiry, dialogue, and critical thinking. In addition to this on-site program, students will be encouraged to participate in the motivating summer reading program sponsored by the Martin Memorial Library to increase reading stamina and encourage a love for reading.
The York Suburban Education Foundation (YSEF) is pleased to announce it has awarded 8 grants totaling $39,107.00 through its 2015 Grant program.
Exploring Art Through Technology
Katie Barrett (Valley View and Indian Rock)
This $1,000 grant will be used to purchase a ProTech Document Camera, designed to enhance the way students observe and appreciate the elements and principles of art through magnification and projection.
SASSY (Students Achieving Success by Saying Yes) Advisory for Underserved Students program
Jill Feltenberger & Marcella Oathout (YS High School)
A $2,500 grant was received to enhance their existing SASSY (Students Achieving Success by Saying Yes) Advisory for Underserved Students program. This grant will provide funding to assist selected students to successfully graduate and solidify their plans for post-secondary life.
Ditch the Desk and Think on Your Feet
Chris Forney & Amy Schnetzka (Yorkshire Elementary) Cheryl Johnson (Valley View)
A combined grant of $10,000 was awarded to Ditch the Desk and Think on Your Feet. This grant will provide students opportunities to use standing desks, ergonomic seats, and under-desk bike pedals with the goal of boosting brain function and focus. This program will serve as a pilot to help selected students through positive interventional methods.
Dual Enrollment Program
Denise Fuhrman & Brian Ellis (YS High School)
A grant for a Dual Enrollment Program. The $7,069 will provide support for the high school’ÂÂs dual enrollment program enabling selected students, who may not have the ability to pay for the college course tuition, to experience college courses while still attending high school.
World Drumming
Ashley Markey (Indian Rock and Valley View)
A grant for $4,040 was received to institute World Drumming into the music curriculum. This grant will purchase a Remo World Drumming packet which will introduce students to various drums that will help with their social, communication, academic, emotional, cognitive, and fine and gross motor skills innovative methodologies.
Glitter Bug Handwashing Program
Christine Stipanovic (Yorkshire Elementary and Middle School)
A $300 grant was received to start a Glitter Bug Handwashing Program. This grant will enable the school nurse to purchase the hand-washing machine to increase the importance of hand-washing awareness education through a fun and easy-to-implement methodology.
Fizz, Boom, Read – Summer Reading Program
Principals Greg Gulley, Mary Bath Grove, Tawn Ketterman, and Kim Stoltz (Indian Rock, East York, Valley View, and Yorkshire)
Fizz, Boom, Read – Summer Reading Program will fund a new summer enrichment program for selected elementary school students in an effort to boost their school readiness. This program was awarded a $12,850 grant due to YSEF's qualification and participation to access funds through the PA State EITC (Educational Improvement Tax Credit) program.
100 Grid Carpet
Wendy Hauck, (Valley View and Yorkshire)
A $1,348 grant will allow for the purchase of 100 Grid carpets which are interactive, daily math tools to help students practice counting, number sense, addition, and subtraction up to 100 through a fun and creative methodology. This grant was made possible from endowment proceeds through the Jeffrey D. Sindicich Foundation, a named donor endowment fund held by YSEF at the York County Community Foundation. The fund is in memory of Jeffrey Sindicich, York Suburban graduate class of 1986.
The York Suburban Education Foundation (YSEF) is pleased to announce it has awarded 8 grants totaling $19,013.00 through its 2014 Grant program.
Maximizing Fitness
Christopher Adams (York Suburban High School)
Maximizing Fitness: heart monitors for the Wellness Department.
How Fast Is It?
Karen Albert (York Suburban Middle School)
How Fast is it? Motion detectors and physics in action in 6th grade! Edible cars.
Looking Deeper
Kellie Aughenbaugh
(Valley View Elementary)
Looking Deeper: microscopes in 2nd grade Microscopes
Enhancing Active Learning Through Advanced Technology
Laura Corsa (York Suburban Middle School)
Enhancing Active Learning through advanced technology in the 6th-grade math classroom. 24 Chrome Books
Developing Habits of Mind
Brian Ellis (York Suburban High School)
Developing Habits of Mind: studying and teaching behaviors that lead to student success in the high school 30 books
Improving Anatomy & Physiology
Leigh Foy (York Suburban High School)
Improving Anatomy & Physiology lab instruction with virtual dissection and updated instrumentation
In Our Own Words
Marcella Oathout (York Suburban High School)
In Our Own Words: publishing authentic voices of York Suburban High School Publishing 220 texts
Countdown to Kindergarten
Kindergarten Teams(Valley View and Yorkshire Elementary)
Countdown to Kindergarten: introducing the skills for success in kindergarten Educational material grab bags
The York Suburban Education Foundation (YSEF) is pleased to announce it has awarded 11 grants totaling $22,946.00 through its 2013 Grant program.
iPads for Learning Support
Crystal Cassese (YES/EY)
2 iPads in the Learning Support Grades 1, 2 and 3 classroom in each building.
iPads for Learning Support
Dianne Crawford (VV/IR)
2 iPads in the Learning Support Grades 1, 2 and 3 classroom in each building.
ebooks for Library
Michelle Dean (EY)
ebooks for eReader devices in the Library.
ebooks for Library
Michelle Dean (YES)
eBooks for electronic reading and instruction in the Library.
Graphic Arts Studio
Karen Fornadel (HS)
Design Studio – The Business of Art Funds to run a graphic arts studio.
iPads for Consumer Science
Joan Hammond (HS)
FACS TECH CONNECTION – 5 iPad minis for the Family & Consumer Science class.
Buzzer Systems for Social Sciences
Jonathan Reed (MS)
Buzzer Systems for Social Sciences – 6 Ten systems.
Chrome books for Enhancing Reading
Julie Stover (EY)
Enhancing Reading Engagement and Instruction – 25 Chrome books & chargers for grades 3, 4 and 5.
iPad Mini and Apps
Kerri Dearolf (VV)
Inspired Integration – 1 iPad Mini and Apps for Classrooms.
iPad Mini and Apps
Dana Poster (IR)
iPad Project – 5 iPads and Apps for 5th Grade Classrooms.
Laser Engraver
Jared Moore (MS)
Laser Engraver for Applied Engineering and Technology Department.
The York Suburban Education Foundation (YSEF) is pleased to announce it has awarded 17 grants totaling $31,603.07 through its 2012 Grant program.
Motivating Students/Mindful Movement
Lisa Acquaviva (MS)
In-Service speaker and texts for middle school teacher training.
Library Kindle Program
Sue Anderson (VV/IR)
4 Kindles to be shared with Indian Rock and Valley View.
SmartMusic Pilot Program
Jim Biddle (EY)
SmartMusic subscriptions for EY 4th Grade.
Active Engagement in the Class
Shannon California (EY)
Wireless remotes for one classroom.
Explicit Instruction in the Class
Shannon California (EY)
One document camera.
Document Cameras
Katherine Cardello (MS)
Two document cameras.
Document Camera
Laura Corsa (MS)
One document camera.
Document Reader
Michael Coy (MS)
One document reader.
iPads in the Biology Classroom
Leslie Gentzyel (HS)
20 iPads, approved by DCED for use of EITC funding.
iPad Apps for Math Centers
Greg Gulley (IR)
To combine with Amy Uffelman’s grant for 3 iPads for use in Grade 4 at IR.
Kindling the Reading Habit
Donna Krane (MS)
8 kindles and E-books for use in the MS library.
Dragon Naturally Speaking
Jennifer Martin (HS)
Software to be used by high school special education students.
Enhancing Explicit Instruction
Julie Stover (EY)
One document camera.
Bring Them to the Table
Heather Hoover (YES)
One Smart Table.
iPads for Math Centers
Amy Uffleman (IR)
*to combine with Greg Gulley’s for 3 iPads for use in Grade 4.
Document Cameras
Kelly Duke (YES)
Two document cameras.
JA Biztown Program
Eric Hoffman (MS)
Bussing to the JA Biztown Program.
The York Suburban Education Foundation (YSEF) is pleased to announce it has awarded 4 grants totaling $2,626.00 through its Fall 2011 Grant program.
Discover To Go
Lonna Ashton (YES)
A visiting science enrichment program for full day Kindergaten students.
Kindles in the Classroom
Cheryl Johnson (VV)
Innovation to motivate second grade readers.
Quiz Bowl
Sarah Lawrence / Jesse Weld (HS)
Addional buzzer systems so 30 more students may participate.
Literary Magazine
Maggie Sullivan (HS)
Cover the cost of formatting and printing “Yourstory.”
The York Suburban Education Foundation (YSEF) is pleased to announce it has awarded 15 grants totaling $28,892.00 through its Spring 2011 Grant program.
Short Circuits
Karen Albert (MS)
Purchase of Snap Electricity Circuits for the 6th grade to enhance the concept of electricity. ($1,946)
Jennifer Andrews (HS)
Purchase fitness software to collect and analyze fitness assessment data of the students, in addition to a module that allows the students to set goals and track individual results. ($1500)
Coaching Higher Order Thinking Skills
Denise Fuhrman (HS)
Purchase 40 copies of the book, “Higher Order Thinking Skills: Challenging All Students to Achieve.” This is a professional development tool for the HS faculty that aligns their written curriculum with the expectations of corresponding PA academic standards and designing quality assessments. ($550)
Raz Kids Reading Program
Marilyn Henning (VV @ YES)
Purchase 5 licenses of Raz Kids. ($300)
Flipped for Writing
Eric Hoffman (MS)
Purchase of a flip camera so students can record, edit and write scripts/narratives for videos. ($715)
SMART Tables in Early Elementary Classroom
Tawn Ketterman / Kevin Willson (VV @ YES)
Purchase 3 SMART tables for elementary buildings. Six were requested and a 4th will be purchased when additional EITC funds are available. ($13,197)
Art and Literacy for K-2 Students
Susan Mellinger (VV @ YES)
Purchase quality art-related children’s books and story books that relate to an art lesson as well as supplement the student’s library in the art room. ($500)
Reading at Home Grade 2
Patty Murray (VV @ YES)
Purchase books to allow reading support students to select a just right leveled book to take home each evening to read to a parent. ($500)
SMART Slates
Adrienne Myers (IR)
Purchase 5 Smart Slates for all 5th-grade students at IR. ($1,750)
Diversity Training
Dana Poster (EY/IR)
Diversity training was developed by the JCC to focus on issues such as social awareness of differences, acceptance of others, and inclusion/exclusion for the entire 5th grade. The program will consist of one session for 45 minutes, two classes at a time. Two assemblies (IR and EY) will follow ($250 each) to be sponsored by the respective PTO. ($900)
SMART Response in Elementary School Classroom
Dorene Ridgway (EY)
Purchase 2 SMART Response PE Systems. ($3,447)
Raising Reading Achievement
Julie Stover (EY)
Purchase books for struggling 4th and 5th-grade students with high-interest, low-level reading material. ($500)
Tools to Aid Student Achievement
Julie Stover (EY)
Provide each classroom with a set of “whisper phones” and trackers to aid student achievement. ($1,000)
Flipping Out: Innovation in Instruction
Aly Tapp (HS)
Allow teachers to “flip” their classroom by providing structural time off campus in order to increase “in-class” time facilitation, differentiation, and remediation. Teachers will use summer to create traditional videos of their instruction including “screencast” videos of instruction. ($1,187)
Science Olympiad
Phong Vo (HS)
Send 10-15 students to the Science Olympiad competition, to be held in March 2012 at Millersville University. ($900)
The York Suburban Education Foundation (YSEF) is pleased to announce it has awarded 8 grants totaling $8,198.00 through its Fall 2010 Grant program.
Adventure-based Education
Lynnea Bobb/Lisa Acquaviva (MS/HS)
To assist students with their personal growth through team building and personal challenge. ($1,650)
SmartBoard Document Camera
Athena McNulty (MS)
To purchase a SmartBoard Document Camera for Middle School Language Arts classroom. ($689)
Where in the World
Kevin Willson (IR)
To teach geography and math through Global Positioning Systems (GPS). ($1,400)
Ready Readers
Hare/Herman/Gulley (VV at YS)
To purchase leveled reading material to practice skills at home with parents for 1st-grade students. ($1,000)
Kindling the Fire for Reading
Anne Perkins (MS)
To purchase 7 Kindles for 7th-grade language arts class. ($1,239)
High-Interest Fiction/Non-fiction
Brandon Gerber (EY)
To supplement the 5th-grade core reading program with a selection of high-interest fiction novels and a variety of nonfiction texts. ($720)
Promoting Fitness through Zumba in Phys. Ed.
Poalucci/Milkowski (HS)
To cover the cost to train two Phys. Ed. teachers to become certified Zumba Instructors. ($450)
Kindle-ing the Future of Reading
Kendrick/Kim (HS)
To purchase 6 Kindles for HS Library. ($1,050)
The York Suburban Education Foundation (YSEF) is pleased to announce it has awarded 10 grants totaling $8,400.00 through its Spring 2010 Grant program.
Electronic Library
Susan Anderson (IR)
The grant includes the purchase of electronic resources. (Not to exceed $1,000)
Using Reading A-Z
Marilyn Henning (VV)
The grant includes the purchase of 15 classroom subscriptions. ($1,050)
Classroom Document Camera
Sherri Mahorney (IR)
The grant includes the purchase of a Smart Document camera. (Not to exceed $965)
YSHS School Store
Jennifer Martin (HS)
The grant includes the purchase of supplies to be purchased. (Not to exceed $523)
SMART Response in the Elementary Classroom
Laura McClure (EY)
The grant includes the purchase of one set of Smart Response PE System. ($1,780)
Text Help’s Read and Write 9 Gold Software
Jonnie Regan (IR)
The grant includes the purchase of one mobile unit. ($645)
Artist in Residence-Encaustics
Erica Silva Furjanic (HS)
The grant includes the cost of supplies and reimbursement of expenses for the Philadelphia artist-in-residence. ($1,000)
Flip Recorder
Kimberly Stolz (DIST)
The grant includes the purchase of Flip Recorder for Professional Development. ($320)
IT Controlled Robot
Steven Temple (HS)
The grant includes the purchase of a Texas Instrument programmable calculator and holder for the robot. ($600)
First Tech Challenge
Tac Thomas (HS)
The grant includes the purchase of an upgrade to a Robotics Kit for next year’s Tech Challenge Competition. ($500)
The York Suburban Education Foundation (YSEF) is pleased to announce it has awarded 11 grants totaling $8,359.91 through its Fall 2009 Grant program.
Student Robotics Competition
First Tech Challenge (HS)
A team of HS students will enter an engineering competition by building a robot to do the assigned task. The grant is to purchase a robotics kit and the registration fee for the competition. ($1,274)
Purchase Snap Circuit Kits
EY 4th grade teachers (EY)
Purchase 18 Snap Electricity kits for 4th grade, that will teach students how electricity in their home works, how switches control electricity to lights, and discover how series and parallel circuits affect electricity. ($590.22)
Vex Robotics
Jarred Moore (MS)
Purchase of 2 Vex robotics systems for 8th-grade middle school students. Two students can use 1 kit at a time. ($1,000)
Bear Pins Reading Program
Amy Hare/Susan Herman (VV)
BEAR (Be Excited About Reading) Purchase of (312) books to match the individual reading levels of kindergarten, transition, and first-grade students. Students will sign the books out to take home and read to their parents. ($1,000)
Read to Succeed
Jolene Kingston (HS)
Provide high-interest books to students reading below grade level in an effort to enhance reading competency. Students will select a book from a wholesaler and read it on personal time. Over time, a library of these “high-interest” books will grow and become self-sustaining. ($1,450)
A Step Beyond Kid Writing
Kevin Willson (VV)
Purchase of 2 USB document cameras that will enable teachers to instantly project student writings while it is occurring. This training tool will allow teachers to demonstrate writing skills and not lose the teachable moment by doing their review and editing after class. ($600)
English Language Learners in Primary Grade
Lona Kluttz (VV)
Provide language-rich resources and educational materials to promote language acquisition skills and academic proficiency to English Language learners in 1st grade. Funds to purchase multiple language and literacy resources from Kaplan. ($500)
Real Science/Real Scientists
R. Leigh Foy (HS)
Combine an AP Biology student field trip to a research lab at Hershey Medical Center followed by small groups of students doing their own independent research projects. Includes the cost of the field trip and research supplies for the lab. ($905)
Suzette White (EY)
Enhance 2nd-grade bird unit with real-life experience of watching eggs develop into baby chicks. ($175)
Tumble Book Library
Crystal Cassese (EY)
An online collection of over 140 books that are animated. These talking picture books teach kids the joy of reading in a format they love. Benefits all students at EY. ($399)
Parenting Book Club and Library
Lisa Hess (EY)
Participants will benefit by enriching their awareness of developmentally appropriate discipline, increasing their self-confidence as parents, connecting with other parents, and potentially accessing an additional support system created by other attendees. There will be two book clubs consisting of four, 1-hour sessions. One club will be run during the day and the other in the evening. ($466.69)
Pantry & Closets
York Suburban Education Foundation
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