(717) 885-1160
The YSEF Impact Pantry located at Luther Memorial Church provides a Choice Pantry for YS families who are experiencing food insecurity. An online order form allows you to select the food and toiletries that your family will use. Orders can be placed for pickup every other Thursday. The Pantry offers various shelf stable food items, snacks, fresh produce, dairy items, and meats as well as toiletries and household cleaning essentials.
Small Impact Closets are located at each YS school building to provide essential school supplies and emergency clothing items or other essentials that a student may require while at school. A large District Impact Closet is located at Luther Memorial Church to offer YS families the opportunity to “shop” for clothing for their entire family. All clothing is free to families in need. Time slots are available on Pantry distribution dates for families to select the clothing they need.
The Impact Foundation provides school supplies and/or backpacks to any student who needs assistance each August. Enrollment forms are available from May-June. School Supplies can be picked up at Luther Memorial Church on a designated day or can be delivered to your student’s classroom prior to the first day of school. More than 300 backpacks were distributed to YS students in 2022.
The Impact Foundation works closely with school personnel (social workers, teachers, nurses, principals) to address individual needs in the school community, such as situations that arise with newly housed families or families recovering from disasters that may require assistance beyond what the Pantry or Closet can routinely provide. We also work to establish and sustain relationships with other Provider Agencies in our community such as the Central Penn Food Bank, the York County Food Bank, Community Aid, and other agencies that may be able to provide support to our mission and to the families we serve.
Follow Our Student Volunteers on Instagram: @ysefIF
YSEF Impact Pantry and Closets have been put in place to meet the needs of students and families at every age, grade level, and season of life.
Impact Foundation student volunteers worked to transform a space at Luther Memorial Church in order to house the Food and Clothing pantry. This space is still in use today!
The first phase of our transformed space was to supply food and clothing to our local community!
Thank you Student Volunteers!
Former Students DJ Johnson and Sweeta Rasiyan work the back to school night table that helped to educate parents about The Impact Foundation.
Pantry & Closets
York Suburban Education Foundation
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